TT Supermolot Neue Expanded
9 Style - Black, ExtraBold, Bold, Medium, Regular, Light, Thin, ExtraLight, DemiBoldTT Supermolot Neue는 인기 서체인 TT Supermolot와 TT Supermolot Condensed를 재창조하여 확장판으로 발전시킨 글꼴입니다. TT Supermolot 시리즈는 러시아어로 'Molot'라고 불리는 망치 모양이 주목을 받아 각종 비디오 게임, 영화 및 디자인 프로젝트 등에서 사용되었습니다.
FontFamily | TT Supermolot Neue Expanded / TT Supermolot Neue Expanded |
Design | Ivan Gladkikh/Yulia Gonina/Roman Ershov/Marina Kho |
Direction | Yulia Gonina |
Glyphs | 라틴 확장 346/키릴 확장 115/약물 749 |
Year | 2015Year |
이용 가능 상품 |
- Black
- The five boxing Wizards jump quickly
- ExtraBold
- The five boxing Wizards jump quickly
- Bold
- The five boxing Wizards jump quickly
- Medium
- The five boxing Wizards jump quickly
- Regular
- The five boxing Wizards jump quickly
- Light
- The five boxing Wizards jump quickly
- Thin
- The five boxing Wizards jump quickly
- ExtraLight
- The five boxing Wizards jump quickly
- DemiBold
- The five boxing Wizards jump quickly